The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed the judgment of the District Court of Utah in favor of FlexSim Software Products, Inc. and against Simio LLC, ending the patent infringement litigation initiated more than four years ago and sustaining FlexSim’s long-held belief that Simio’s asserted patent rights were invalid.
This release is another huge step forward for FlexSim’s AGV module, both in its improvements to model more warehousing situation and in its new ability to model train and rail systems. FlexSim 2020 Update 1 also streamlines libraries with new pop-out menus, introduces a simpler and more friendly Statistics Collector, and much more.
This release features improvements and additions throughout the software, from visuals to emulation to people-based modeling and beyond. FlexSim 2020 adds support for the OPC UA protocol when making PLC connections, adds numerous updates and additions for people-based modeling, new lighting effects, and much more.