FlexSim is 3D simulation modeling and analysis software. It’s used by companies around the world to solve problems and better understand processes in manufacturing, material handling, healthcare, logistics, supply chain, and more.
Interested? Student licenses are available, so you can become more familiar with FlexSim—whether it’s for a class project, a capstone/thesis, or just for personal study.
- Click “Request a Student License” below.
- If you’re not already signed in, you’ll be prompted to sign in to (or register for) a FlexSim Account.
- Submit the Student license request form.

SHS/FlexSim Student Simulation Competition
Each year, FlexSim sponsors the Society for Health Systems (SHS) Student Simulation Competition. Teams of ISE students from around the world solve a real-world healthcare situational case study using FlexSim Healthcare, 3D simulation software specifically designed for health systems modeling. Team up with a few classmates and take part in this unique and valuable experience!